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Soli Deo Gloria

Carla Slabbert Christian Artist.jpg

Meet the Artist

"And with truth comes beauty and with this beauty a freedom before God.Ӊۥ Francis A. Schaeffer, Art and the Bible.


As a Christian artist, I've never really understood my gift and calling for the arts, until very recently. My watershed moment came in the form of an *Icon painting that I was commissioned to reproduce. During my time researching the artwork, I started to realize the important role the arts play, especially within the ekklesia of God. A significant shift took place inside of me, and I was liberated as an artist from a false paradigm, that debilitated my creative gift most of my life. With a renewed sense of conviction and direction, I want to reach the hearts of people through art, to the praise and glory of God.


​“The temple was covered with precious stones for beauty. There was no pragmatic reason for the precious stones. They had no utilitarian purpose. God simply wanted beauty in the temple. God is interested in beauty.”― Francis A. Schaeffer, Art and the Bible.

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